Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Milk for cat

we always consider that milk is healthy for all, including for cats. do you know that adult cats are lactose-intolerant, and have problems digesting it. for restrain from having diarrhea, detective conan (comic) had ever shown about how to give ordinary milk-powder for cat. we should give more warm water, 2:1 than usual. warm with your body for 10 minute. after that, you can give the milk for your cat.

Some experts advise that cream is better than regular milk if you must give it to cats, probably because cream has less lactose than whole or skim milk. But again, a small amount of skim milk seems to be okay for your kitty, so I wouldn't worry about it. But now, there are many lactose-free milk substitutes for cats have been developed. you can get it in nearest pet shop.

source : 
1. http://cats.about.com/cs/catmanagement101/f/milkokay.htm
2. http://badanimalpuns.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/cat-milk.jpg

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