we can avoid toxoplasmosis with follow this (http://www.hdw-inc.com/healthtoxo.htm):
1. Tissue cysts can be destroyed by thoroughly cooking meat to an internal temperature of 70 degrees C (158 degrees F) for at least 15 to 30 minutes.
2. Do not rely on freezing and thawing, salting, smoking, or pickling to destroy cysts in meat.
3. Do not allow your cat to have access to rodents and birds.
4. Scavenging can be discouraged by placing tightly fitting lids on all garbage cans.
5. Do be careful of possible contaminated garden soil, flower beds, children's sandboxes, cats' litter boxes and other areas where cats may defecate.
6. When contact cannot be avoided, wear rubber gloves and wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water.
7. Dispose of feces from litter boxes daily to remove any oocysts before they sporulate and become infective.
8. Cover children's sand boxes to keep cats out.
9. Avoid handling (particularly women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant) free-roaming cats and any cat showing signs of illness.
10. All uncooked vegetables should be washed thoroughly before ingestion.
11. Make a habit of thoroughly and vigorously washing hands with antibacterial soap and water after contact with soil, cats, un-pasteurized dairy products or uncooked meat or vegetables.
12. If contemplating pregnancy, women should have themselves tested for antibodies. A positive test would indicate past infection that will not be transmitted to the fetus. An anti-body negative woman would be at greater risk of transmitting Toxoplasma to the fetus SHOULD she become infected during pregnancy.